Tuesday, August 2, 2011

twaaaat you saayyy??

It's 16 minutes past midnight, August 2nd two thousand eleven... in case you wanted the full drawn out version of the time and date. I gotcha ;)

I'm sitting in my room WIDE THE FUCK AWAKE shweeeeet. I'm so bored, I've been taking ridiculous pictures of myself, I said ridiculous, not naked getcha mind outta the gutter!

Anyways I worked tonight and had a bowl of raisin bran when I got home because it's fucking delicious aand that's about all I got to say. I'm so bored i can't even write anything faaahhhk!

Alright let's view some of the lovely pictures I've created:
 **warning** Sometimes I think I'm a model****
(I'd be embarrassed to post these pictures anywhere else but this is my blog and maybe 2 people read this shit soo I dun care.)

this is the look I give anyone on the T who tries to touch the satchel.
                                      I just like dis one :D

so there you have it. My mind numbingly boring Monday night OR way early Tuesday morning!


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