Saturday, August 13, 2011

"Like I'm made of glass, like I'm made of paper.."

Whoa my last post was OUT of control hahaaaa wtf wasss I talking about? whatevaaa I get deep sometimes, deal with it.

Demi Lovato's "Skyscraper" is amazing in so many ways. I give that girl serious credit with all the shit she's gone through and to come back with such an inspirational song is just perfect, not to mention her voice is so beautiful. Keep being amazing girl :)

I've been thinking about school lately and how much I HATE paying for it. Whoever had the idea that college shouldn't be free is a total asshole. I reeaalllyy want to drop out and travel the country. I'm so over it. I mean shittt if the world is ending next year I need to get this show on the road, why am I wasting my days here? I should be out there not giving a shit about anything. But if the world doesn't end it's probably best to stay in school.
At the same time, if you really think about it it's kind of ridiculous that everybody spends so much time planning for "the future." So much of everyone's time is spent on what's to come and not on the moment and what's happening right now, and we wonder why time goes by so fast. Because we aren't enjoying this time, we're too worried about what's coming next and how to be prepared and ready. Fuck that. I just had an epiphany. Ahhh I'm changed forever! BYE COLLEGE!

yeah right. if i had an endless supply of the green stuff (no I'm not talking about reefer, but that would be nice too) I'd buy a sick van and drive, just drive all over North America. I'd start here in Bostonia and go south because we all know NH and Vrmont are lame for road trips. I'd drive to Miami then back up and over through Texas than up to Missouri and those lovely states then to Cali, I'd want to start at the bottom though. Also stopping in Colorado and Las Vegas of course. Then I'd go up to Washington and into Vancouver aahhh I'd be so pumped to visit Vancouver, look at how gorgeous it is,

:) I just planned a tour, a pretty logical one too.

After a year of seeing whats up over here I'd fly to Europe, or take a boat over there cause flying sucks a big one and that's a long ass flight unless I was in the right company, I could think of a few people I'd like to take with me. I won't name everywhere I'd go because that will get boring but I'd start in Ireland.

I won't blame you for stealing my list of places to go but I will hunt you down and make you take me with you. I'm a fucking blast so you won't be upset about taking me :)

time to be productive and clean up my room and fall into a sweet slumber with dreams of following my dreams, how lovely <3

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