Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.

I have A LOT on my mind so this is going to be a doozy.

I finally got my car for good! :) I'm still just waiting for the engine to fall out, for some reason it's a fear that won't go away. This is my mom's old car, a lil baby neon and it was off the road for like 3 years and stopped turning on so it had to get all fixed. A few different things were wrong and I had to keep bringing it back to the mechanic because he's a tard and didn't do it right the first 2 times, asshole. SO hopefully this time everything stays going smoothly :)

The downside to having this car is that I live in South Boston and there's no fucking parking, well only resident parking. I know what you're thinking, "Courtney, I thought you are a resident?" Well naive you, I AM a resident but my stupid insurance isn't in my name for a stupid reason so I can't get a damn sticker.

 I've been staying at my mom's house for the past week because there is literally nowhere to park over night if you do not have a sticker, straight bullshit. But tonight I got sick of staying at my mom's since I don't have a room there and I missed my bed desperately. Just my room in general is my little sanctuary so i wanted to come back. So as we speak I'm probably getting a 40$ parking ticket, YAYYYYYY!!! I've accepted this fate. Thank you city of Boston for being total dickheads about your parking situations, pricks.

So that's one of my many problems right now. My problems don't really compare to starving children or homeless people in Africa hunting antelope (i definitely wrote cantaloupe first but remember it's a fruit HA) but for me, they're ruining my happiness so it's kind of a big deal, call me selfish. Btw if I could help other people with their problems I would and I do try to on a regular basis so THERE.
Anyways, I had this genius plan to move to Cranston, RI with one of my best friends and her roomies and it was such a good idea and I was sososososo excited to get OUT of this house, although I love living in Bostonia, I can't live with my dad and his fiance and her 5 kids and their 56 kids, I'm over it. I hate kids. I really try to like them and sometimes I do, but the majority I just want to punch their faces. :D Soo I was planning everything out in my head like I do with everything and just got so excited and now it's just not going to work out. It's going to end up being too expensive and I won't be able to save any $ to move to Nashville next summer which is my first priority, always. I have wanted to move there since I graduated high school and nothing is getting in the way. So bye bye Cranston, it was a nice thought. Oh and parking there was free for all.

Grrrr nothing ever works out the way I want it to :(
I also need a new job because I have no patience left for retail.

So bullshit after bullshit just gets me so frustrated that I get into a desperate mind set and just want to flee. Run away to California or Florida and forget about everything I knew here. Start new and live another life. Then I wake up the next morning and tell myself not to be so dramatic.

But how amazing would that be? Just leave and never look back and travel and meet new people and be someone new. I'd die my hair a ridiculous color and call myself Vanessa.

I think you need money to run away though and that is something I never have. I have it but I save it so I can watch people sing on stage cause it maka me happy :)

pure bliss <3

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