Wednesday, July 27, 2011

hopes, dreams & wishes.

So I spent the last few days with my mom and sister and her brand new little baby boy Lukas, my nephew :) He is so perfect and so friggen cute. I wish i lived closer or had a car (soon!!!) so I could go see him whenever I want. He's only 2 weeks old but I want to see him every day because he's just so perfect. Holding him makes me think in a different perspective. It's the strangest thing, I think about what he'll be like and what types of things he'll be into and want for himself. I hope he has hopes and dreams like me. Nobody else in my family really seems to have a passion for anything and I don't get it. They're all content living their 9-5 jobs and doing the same things every day. They have no desire to travel the world or accomplish things that could make a difference but I do. I hope Lukas has a desire to be better than just the norm.

Today is my day off and I have nooothhing to do. I'm debating between going to the beach or going downtown to pretend I have money to spend and "shop." I need an new dress for a concerto coming up in August but I still have 2 weeks to find something sooo what's the rush?! I alsoooo have been dying to color my hair red... I WANT TO SO BAD!! Not fire crotch red, more like an auburn or plum. Like this: (first of all, i look up "subtle red hair" and a picture of weed comes up... i don't see the relation?)

this is a good color

But at the same time I want blonde highlights in my current hair. Decisions!!

I have a lot of my mind so this is going to be a long, random, all over the place blog. But my bif Stacy (look to the right to see her in my fb picture!) started this website  think last year about country music, kind of like a news page I guess and she wants me to write reviews and stuff for it :) I guess it's kind of our page now and it's still new so it hasn't reached it's full potential and I haven't had time to write anything for it but I'm going to try and start to soon.
Here it is, go visit!!

Also, classes starts in a little more than a month and I'm excited to get back to it :) I love LOVE learning about the entertainment industry, mostly the music part, but it's all exciting. I just wish I could be doing it in Nashville. Next summer is when we're moving and if I can convince my school to let me do my internship in Nashville next semester (spring semester) then we'll move at the beginning of next year!! eeeee how exciting :):):):)):) we're both beyond ready to go but when I think about moving in January it seems so close! It'll be fabulous living on our own, scary but amazing. I just need to find a good job down there before we go so i don't become poor and homeless, though I wouldn't mind living on the streets there, they are pretty clean ;)

Mkay some dudes are putting up a new fence outside and it's loud and annoying so it's time to decide on the beach or "shopping"

laterrrr <3

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