Sunday, May 2, 2010

You stole my heart now I'm gonna steal your's too.

Hello! It's Sunday which means I have just 5 days left in Memphis! Yay!
This weekend was quite interesting. I found some things out that really made a lot of other stuff that I have wondered about in the past make perfect sense. It's crazy how things just find their way to you, all the pieces fit together and you can stop wondering about stupid things you never should have been worried about in the first place. I'm glad I know the truth and it makes me feel so much better about the decisions I made with the certain somebody. It also makes me feel bad for his ridiculous girlfriend who has stayed with him through the bullshit, cheating, lying.. I mean whaaaat? I wonder if she knows everything, there's no way she could know and still be with him. She'll figure it out some day and realize how stupid she has been and cry for days. But enough about that I really couldn't care less anymore. :)

I've been on a Kenny Chesney buzz lately I'm loooovin his music, probably because summer is just around the corner and that's basically all he sings about.
So my flight leaves Friday out of Nashville<3 at 5:40 I think and I arrive in Providence around 9 :) sounds like a long flight but its just over 2 hours, the time change makes it look longer but I'm glad it's not.

This weekend we had like 5 tornado warnings! It started Friday morning early at about 4:30 and the alarms just kept going off all day long. The first couple scared me but after realizing they were being just a bit overcautious I got over it. We sat outside and watched the crazy clouds roll by. The sky was really dark and scary and the lightening was constant. I'm glad there was no thunder because it gets LOUD down here way louder then any thunder back home.

I hate to be all over the place but I have a lot of topics on my mind! I really need new music on my itunes. I'm so sick of listening to the same music over and over and over. It's just lame paying for music, I mean I only pay for it now no Limewire or any of that stuff for me anymore, even though it's so much easier. I prefer to support all the artists :)

Well i think that's all I've got on my mind for now, until next time!

Love Coco :}

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