Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Almost done :)

YAYYYYY Schools almost over!!! Yesterday was my last day of classes aaand now I'm just waiting to finish up my finals! I have one on Monday, Tuesday aaand Thursday. I'm nervousss about them.. bio doesn't really matter because I'm definitely failing that class no matter what. French I'm super nervouse about because I really want to and kinda need to do good on that one.. piano I'm a little nervous about too. I have to learn 3 pieces I already know the 3 I'm doing and I have them down pretty good, a little more practice and I'll be a pro at them :)

I'm SO excited to be home all summer and then go to Johnson & Wales next semester!! I got accepted, obviously :) I'm so pumped for that.. I can't wait to get my internship senior year, kinda far away but they have internships at amazing places like Madison Square Garden and NBC studios! MSG would be like a dream... I would diiee to intern there and live in NYC oh my goosshh I'm giddy just thinking about it :)

The summer is going to be amazing I have lots of plans to go down to The Cape and I plan to be on the beach with a delicious alcoholic beverage in my hand every day, perfection. I have been going to the gym a butt load so i look shexy at da beach :) I can't wait!
I'm also planning on being at a Rascal Flatts concert AT LEAST 5 times this summer. Oh speaking of concerts I'll be working at the Comcast Center again this year with bab! It's going to rule, it's our second year so we know basically everyone and everyone that works there is awesome. Pretty much all of the shows this year are going to be awesome too, Tim Mcgraw, Sugarland, New Found Glory and Paramore, RF! I'm pumped :)

I think that's all that has happened since my last blog! Only 9 more days in Memphis and I really cannot believe it's REALLY almost over, I'll never be coming back here. It's weird walking around knowing i spent almost a year of my life here and now I'm just leaving, but I'm happier back home for now. Even though I'm happy about leaving I'm still a little sad. I'll miss a few people but I'm leaving behind some that don't need to be in my life anymore. I wonder if I'll cry when I leave.. doubtful ;)
Tab is taking me to the airport in Nashville (3 hours away!) but she lives there so I'm basically just hitching a ride. I'll definitely miss her, not so much her habits haha but definitely her i might cry.. doubt she will because she's weeiirrdd but I'm emotional :)

Alriigghhtt I think I wrote enough for now.
Until next time,
Looooove Coco :)

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