Friday, May 14, 2010

everything comes full circle

When people suddenly act different for "no reason" there's ALWAYS a reason, you just haven't found out yet. Trust your gut, 99.99999% of the time it's right.

I'm finally home :) and it's great.. kinda boring at the moment with no job but still better than being in Memphis. I have been job hunting all week and applied to a bunch of places and now I'm just waiting for a rsponse.I'm praying that Friendly's or the 99 will call me because I'd really like to start getting into waitressing. I also need money for CMA fest in like 27 days. If i don't find a way to make quite a bit of money in the next couple weeks I don't see how I could possibly go to cma fest. :( That situation really sucks i thought i would have more time to make the money but it's just going by too fast.

I'm gonna go make some breakfast and watch Kathy Lee & Hoda :)



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