Monday, August 29, 2011

"I can count the days since I've seen you"

ello poppet!
this is going to be a weird statement and you're probably going to wonder what I'm doing and I'LL NEVER TELL!! Buuuut, thank god for tweezers.

Now that that's out of the way, I need advice on something. Not that anybody who reads this leaves comments but I know people read it so I'll put it out there anyways and if you feel so passionately about my dilema that you're bursting at the seams with advice to give my poor indecisive self, then please feel free :)
SO in my last blog (i think) i talked about how I was planning on moving to providence and blah blah, well i kind of put it out of my head because it seems like it's going to cost too much $ and I want to save for Nashville buuuut my friend just told me that the job I could possibly have pays 18 an hour which is like.. I'm going to be a millionaire. The only thing is that it's only on the weekends and I don't think I'm going to make enough just on the weekends to sustain myself and my bills plus save.. plus go to concerts, obviously =)
It's a serving job at a wedding venue called Bel Mere and it's beautious and it would be such an exciting experience, I'd love every second but idk if it's worth it. Therefore I need advice!! I suck at making decisions and always feel like I make the wrong ones soooo I obviously need a designated decision maker who works for free :)

Gaaash. I was discussing this with one of the managers at my current job who knows all of this already and he said it seems like a good sitch if I get another job during the week, like a part time waitressing job or something. For some ridiculous reason I find myself terrified to become a waitress. I feel like I would be horrible, I'd forget people's orders and trip and fall with trays of food and just be a total bitch to people and not get tips!! =/ (sometimes it's hard to control my bitchiness, honestly)
That sounds stupid, I'm always nervous to start new jobs in general. I'm a puss.

Plus it would be slightly annoying to take the train to school from prov.. but I only have Tuesday/Thursday classes this semester so it's really not a big deal I'm just being a brat. ugghhh i just dono what to dooooooo!

That's really all that is on my mind.
Actually, the VMA awards were on last night and they were GOD AWFUL. But I've been thinking lately that since I'm going to work in the music business one day (soon!) I probably shouldn't shit on certain artists and genre's and annoying people who should not have record deals because they have no talent what so ever. Sooo I won't talk about it because my review would be negative (but funny) and maybe a little hateful (but funny)

okay BYE!! <3