Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Don't patronize me"

Good afternoon :)
Cumberland Farm's 99 cent any size iced coffee is the best thing since fire, seriously. Although I end up spending more because I always get a scratch ticket because I think "hey this coffee is so cheap why not get a scratch ticket!" and I never win. Oh well, no risk no reward.

There's a heatwave in the east right now, it's been moving it's big ass across the country and has finally reached us northeasteners. It feels like Nashville outside right now. i just walked up to the post office and I was having flashbacks of CMA fest HOT DAMN!! It's still not as brutal but it's pretty damn hot and humid for Boston.

So I've been really into Chuck Wicks lately. We saw him during CMA fest and I always forget how great he is until I see him again. It's been waayyy too long since his last album and I really need new music. He has a few new songs that are really good but you can only hear them live or on Youtube of course. My favorite is "She Gets To Me" it gets stuck in my head aallll day long. He was recently in Mass and i missed the show :( but I found a video on Youtube of him performing a song called "The Whole Damn Thing" which he said is on hold for Rascal Flatts and it's amaazziinnngggg!! I love it. I kinda hope he gets to keep it and put it on his album cause i like how his voice sounds with it, plus he wrote it sooooooo that would be great.

BTW i just got an iced coffee and a scratch ticket and lost DAMMIT! I used to have good luck on scratch tickets but not lately. Oh well.
So idk if there is something in protein bars that could possibly make you addicted to them but I think there is because I'm addicted. I crave protein bars. That's not normal, I know this. I haven't even been working out seriously the past month or so so i don't think I should be craving them. Then again i don't eat meat so maybe my brain is like "oh protein bars are yummy and give me protein!" I doubt that's the process but whatever, I love them and wish I had an endless supply.

Gotta gooo get ready for work!! Yayyy $$$$$$$$$$$


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