Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So I have an issue with people. It's like no matter how much I try to trust people and give them the benefit of the doubt, they continuously give me reason to doubt them. I could give 5000 examples but I won't because although I'm convinced nobody reads this, you never know.
I just wish people could stop being creepy and using people to get what they want. Make your own luck, have your own shit and hop off of mine. If everyone knew everyone's true intentions maybe we could stop being fake to each other and pretending like we're friends when we aren't. If you only talk to someone when you want/need something, you are a fake bitch. Stop being fake and try being real, it feels a lot better.

Enough of that. My beautiful nephew came into the world yesterday!! He's perfection and I can't wait for him to come home from the hospital and start growing and experiencing everything. I also can't wait to babysit him and fill his little ears with beautious music :) He'll be a country music fan (:
!!!! so precious (:


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