Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm a flake.

So I have a tendency of telling people I'll hang out with them, get drinks or whatever during the day for that night. Then night time rolls around and I just get so tired.. so I go to sleep and usually don't tell them. =/ That would piss me off if someone did that to me but at the same time people want to go out sooo laatteee and I'm just a sleeper. I would rather sleep then spend all of my money on drinks just to get drunk and then make bad decisions with you. I suppose if I really wanted to hang out with said individual I would stay up and wait for them to be done with work or whatever, so maybe this is just me avoiding certain people because deep down I really don't want to see them. Hm... that was like therapy!

It's been about a month since I last went to the gym *hides face in shame* that's terrible. But I;ve been really busy with work! Plus I lost my debit card a few weeks ago so my billing got all fucked up and I don't really want to go and deal with it. I'm beginning to see a pattern of avoidance in my behavior.
Anyways, I wanted to go today and give them my new card info and work out but thennn i decided I don't want to get all sweaty and gross then have to shower because I'm getting a hair cut today and they're going to wash my hair. Washing your hair twice in one day is not only bad for your hair but stupid and a waste of shampoo & cond. SO I'll go to the gym tomorrow :) I really have to clean my room today anyways aaand I wanna get rid of some clothes I don't wear and give them to goodwill.

It's already Tuesday thank Godddd, I cannot wait for the weekend to get here :) doing big thingssss

time for laundry and other fun stuff!

tata <3

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