Tuesday, October 26, 2010

sometimes I'm stupid.

I guess everyone does stupid things, things that seem like a great idea at the time. I'm young, I'm having fun and not caring.. until nights like this where I think about some things in the past and feel bad about them. I wish I could be a better decision maker, especially when it comes to dudes. I'm a sucker, if you make me feel bad I cave and that sucks and I know it. I just feel bad and do things even if I don't really want to.. so I don't hurt their feelings which is stupid. I should naahhht be worrying about that shit, especially with guys because God knows they don't give a fuck. I need to stop being stupid.

Kay now I feel better a little about that.
I went to Town Spa today with my madre which is only the best and I mean THE BEST pizza place in the whole entire world. I'm serious. Just look at this pizza,
seriously? Your mouth is definitely watering. IT'S SO GOOD!!!!
So we devoured this delicious pizza, had one of our long talks about how in love I am with certain people and how much I despise others. Then we went to Target! I have a deep love for Target, I love WalMart too but Target is just fabulous. I got a new pair of black sneaks, 3 pairs of socks for $1.00 each (yes!) and a new brazere :)
Another reason I love Target, besides their lovely clothes, shoes, and everything else in that store, is that they all have a lovely little Starbucks in all of them <3 love love looovveee it. Starbucks+Target = heaven.

Tomorrow I have my Music Industry mid term and I haven't studied. Cool huh? I don't have that class until 2:30 so I'm going to study during my 2 hours break tomorrow and eat chocolate so that I remember everything :)
now i must get my beauty sleep so I can wake up and ace this test. & thank you for making me feel better about feeling shitty :):):):)

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