Monday, October 18, 2010

I got some stuff on my mind.

I know I already posted today but I'm doing it again because I have some stuff I wanna get out. I just went for a walk along the beach right after my dad told me about a dead body they had found on the same beach this morning. This obviously freaked me out but I went anyways because I was way too full from dinner to just do nothing. So on my walk I was listening to my music and watching the planes fly like I always do and I was just thinking about some things that have happened in the past couple of weeks.
1. My 'best friend' and I are no longer friends, never mind the best part. I can't tell you the real reason that she was mad at me in the first place because I was drunk and don't remember everything that happened and she wouldn't tell me. So my nosy mother decided to ask after I told her my view of what went down and how my "best friend" won't talk to me or even tell me why she's mad because of something that happened when I was black out drunk, makes PERFECT sense, right? So this "best friend" decides to tell my mother the "story" which I don't believe a single word of because it does not even make sense and is so absurd. So I obviously did something terrible when i was drunk and don't remember to piss her off royally; which last time I checked doesn't fucking count when you BLACK OUT. Seriously. How can you stay mad at someone when they don't even know wtf the did? Anyways. that's not even the point really, she threw me under the bus to my mother and so she can go fuck herself and die for all I care. Harsh? Maybe. But true.

2. I was sexually harassed by my boss. I'm not kidding. I'm not really gonna get into that because it's just long and annoying but hes leaving in less than a week and I couldn't be more happy that he;s going to be gone and I never have to see him again.

3. This should really be number 2 if I'm going in the order that this shit happened but whatever. I went to California a little over a week ago with one of my favorite people in da whole world, Stacy. Why did we fly across the country you may be asking yourself, well I'll tell you. We went to see Rascal Flatts. When we landed in San Francisco Stacy has a text message that says the first show has been CANCELED. Awesome. Then we booked the car for the wrong city, a city that was oh just 2 hours way. So we have to pay an extra 300$ to get it switched to the correct city, we almost get killed and raped on the train and FINALLY get our car. This car ruled. It was actually a little truck and it just ruled. So we drive to San Jose where the second show is supposed to be Friday night (it's wed night) so we finally get a hotel and go to sleep. Free continental breakfast was from 630-9 so we get up at 8 in much better moods, still bummed from the canceled show we were supposed to be seeing that night but hey, we're in California so we're gonna make the best of a free day. So we go shopping. A few hours later we get the word, the SECOND show is canceled. SO we just flew across the country to see 2 amazing concerts which have now been canceled, due to illness. Kill us now. It gets better.
As we're in the Mexican Wal-Mart Chris Young (the dude opening for RF & 1 of Stac's favs) announces a show at a local bar on Friday night! 21+ what's the problem you ask? Stacy is just a wee little 19. COOL. So we go anyways because I have an ID and maybe if we tell the bouncer our story, he'll let us in.. pity? A woman is at the door, the manager... who is fat and ugly and short and a BITCH. So we can't get in and after being kicked out of the parking lot just trying to listen to Chris we decide it's best to leave before a cop comes and finds the 12 pack of Budlight lime in our back seat. Ihop makes everything better, at least it worked for me.

Bad things come in 3's right?
Someone told me today that my blog is sad, so I figured I'd lay it out why I'm in a bad mood this time. I'm not depressed I promise. I usually vent on this thing, I didn't make it to vent but it has become a nice outlet. Although I enjoy getting my anger and other sad emotions out on here I'm going to make an effort to make this little baby a bit more upbeat :) and now that i have gotten that shit out I think we can move on and hopefully things will start looking up.

It's only 9pm but I'm ready for a long sleep, nighty night :)


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