Friday, February 26, 2010


My mom sent me food today in the mail!! oooo dear it's all so yummy :)
I'm listening to Avril Lavigne right now and all of her songs are so good, her older ones. Slipped Away, Fall to Pieces, Nobody's Fool, When Your Gone all of them are just ssooooo gooood i could cry during every single one. haha her voice just sounds so sad and perfect in each song I love her!
It's finally friday and spring break is in a week! Yayy! I get to go home woop woop. I was supposed to be going to Florida with bab but one of the dudes aka dumbass douche bag bailed and has to work, loser. So we can't go because we don't have enough people which sucks ass because I was so looking forward to the beach and I even bought a new bathing suit! But I'm still excited to go home and see everybody.
Bab and Corey are driving down here to pick me up and i can't waaiiitt. I'm wicked excited for the long trip back.. I plan to drive most of the way back and we might stop in Nashville :) I'm coming back on the 14th and I wish i got a flight for the next day because the Boston St Patrick's day parade is Sunday :( I'm so bummed but I have a review in french class for a test on monday so I really couldn't afford to wait another day to get back. I can go to the parade next year I suppose.
I hate how when you comment on someone's picture or status on facebook it has to notify you every time someone else comments, useless notifications.
I wonder if anyone has read any of these blogs.. haha i doubt it but I always post it on my twitter when i write a new one, incase anybody cares :)

I'm going to go get some food in the awesome Tiger Den, until next time!

<3Coco :}

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