Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It may be all I need..

In darkness she is aaallll i see come and rest your bones with me, driving slow on sunday morning and I never want to leave. Love that song :)
I'm putting off the rest of my math homework to write this, it's due in 2 hours and I have bunches to do. I'm so fuhreaking sick of doing work for classes I don't want to. I feel like college should be about taking classes you want to take, that you enjoy taking. I am paying for this shit. SO frustrating!
Besides math I'm not really minding any of my other classes. French and Bio are okay.. not too bad right now. But i did get a 59 on my bio test woooops.. i didn't study enough because i suck at school. It's a wonder why I'm even here in college haha. Not sure what I'm going to do next year because right now this shiz is naahhht working out. I need to find a place that encourages my major and the classes that are involved in it. Not this bull shit math, french and science. Isn't that what high school was for? Gahhd it's so annoying.

Anyways, enough school talk. There's not much else going on to talk about though. Woops, except that I'm going to Florida in 2 weeks for SPRING BREAK!!!!!!! With bab, acarse. Corey is coming as well and some other person hopefully! I can't wait to forget about school and memphis for a whole week and just relax on the beach and get my tan on :) I'm pumped. After that there will only be about a month and a half left of school!! Yay!!! I'm going to come back rejuvinated and ready to finish out the semester with a baannnggg! I hope.

Wellllll I really should get back to my math homework. I have to get this done before midnight!! And I have a test tomorrow eek, wish me luck!


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