Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday Morning

Good morning :)
I woke up to an empty room this morning, my roommate is in Nashville *tear* for a some promotions thing for a club. She's supposed to be back some time today, not sure when. Until then, I've got the room to myself :) me and the cooking channel aallll day WOOP WOOP! Haha.. not really. I have homework to do and the superbowl is on today! Sadly my Pats aren't in it so I could care less about watching it. But I will because I enjoy a good game of sunday football :)
I have a french quiz tomorrow that I'm not really looking forward too, hopefully I can pull at least a B out of it. I have a bio test on Thursday too.. I'm nervous about that one, I haven't studied at all yet so that's what i'll be doing most of this week.
Right now I'm looking at some state schools back home. I have been leaning towards private schools because they seem to have the better majors at least closer to what my major is, music/entertainment management. I miss home, and boston and my friends. It just hasn't gone the way I had hoped it would down here in Memphis. It's boring as hell and the people are either stuck up or just weird. I mean i;m weird too but.. in a different/awesome way :)

Not to mention every single dude I've met is out of their minds, like... needs help. I'm all set with the crazies and the ridiculous way tehy think. All guys are ridiculous but there's something sketchy about these Memphis fellers. Sketchy muthas.
Anywho.. I haven't been to the gym in like 5 days and I feel grrroooosssss.. maybe I'll walk my ass there a little later today.

It's time to get back to school searching!

Love Coco<3

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