Thursday, February 4, 2010

Back to School!

I've actually been back in Memphis for about a month now and I totally forgot about this blog!! But no more! I shall dedicate at least a few days a week to updating and venting. This past month has been kind of a blur.. the first couple of weeks back were rough. I was not excited to be here, I wanted to go home and i still do a little bit. I'm actually in the process of applying to a few schools back home in Boston. So far I have applied to Fisher, which bab says I'll hate (bab is my beesstt friend acarse) i'm planning on applying to lassel college and possibly Johnson & Wales in Rhode Island! It's definitely exciting looking for new colleges and applying, I just wish i had better grades last semester. I'm not very confident with my trascript from the U of m at the moment. Hopefully at the end of this semester I can say I'm proud of myself. I'm really trying to stay focused an get the best grades I can this semester. I haven't been able to give 100% because I don't have my books but as soon as I get them, there will be no more excuses!
Another thing that's been on my mind is duuuudes.. stupid stupid boys. I don't know who to trust anymore when it comes to the opposite sex. I'm beginning to think they're just all the same. You think you're just friends with a guy uuntil he tries to put on the moves and you reject him and he hates you forever. It's naht my fault all you want is sex and I'm not a slut? UGH it's just frustrating. But I'll explain all that some other day, this one is long enough!

Off to take a shower and hit the sack! :)


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