Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just when things went right doesn't mean they were always wrong.

Hellooo :)
It's monday night aaand I should be sleeping so I can wake up for class tomorrow but instead I'm up watching Intervention and talking to my sissy. Intervention is such a good show, the people on it are soo addicted to drugs and alcohol and they're just crazy. But they usually always go to rehab in the end when their families have the "intervention" and cry and tell them how much they love them, mad good.
So anyways, I'm sloowwly falling out of this groove kinda thing I've been in for school like doing all my work and stuff. I'm already sick of it. There's only like 2 1/2 months of classes left so I need to suck it up and stop being a biiitch.. but it sucks taking these dumbass classes. I think I'm going to Johnson & Wales next year!! Woop woop!! They have entertainment business and I'm stoked :) it's not for sure yet but there's a strong possibility.
Today was long and boring. I went to Zumba class with my roommate which is kinda fun, the teacher is crazy but she's funny. Other then that.. I bascially slept all day asss usual hah.. I lead such a boring life down here in memphrica.. hahah I didn't come up with that!
In the Rascal Flatts department I am goin caraaaazyyy!! I miss them sooo much :( they were in Nashville tongiht for a benefit show but there was no way I could go.. good seats were hard to get and super expensive and I refuse to take the bus there again. It was naht pleasant. But for RF I may consider it again. Plus I'm broke so unless I become a stripper or "escort" aka hewer I will be broke forevaahhhh. until I get my taxes back of course. :)

Alright now I'm just rambling.. which is the name of this blog but it's worthless rambling now so I shall stop :)



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