Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's 2 am feeling like I just lost a friend

Hope you know this ain't easy, easy for meeee<3
Taylor Swift is the absolute best person in the world. Maybe second, Gars is first. I just love her and every single one of her songs. I can't wait for her new album to come out it's going to be amazing! I think it's coming out at the end of this year. Rascal Flatts' is coming out in Septembeerrr!!! EEEEEEKK!! I'm pumped.

I am also pumped for this summer. There's less than a month left of classes and I could not be more excited! I mean I'm a little sad about leaving because I'm more than likely not coming back to Memphis next year, and there's a few people I'll miss; but I'm preettyyy sure I can do without them, no offense Memphians.
I have so many fabulous things planned for this summer and I know things never go as planned usually when I plan stuff out things go complete opposite of how I hope. For instance, I am hoping for the best summer ever which means it will probably suck. I try not to get my hopes up for anything anymore because I have finally learned that disappointment is inevitable and it breaks my heart to say that, but it's true. I won't let this summer be anything less then amazing though :)

Classes. I really hope I have done better this semester than I did last semester. There's really no way I could do any worse so I guess that's a good thing. I'm doing well in the majority of my classes except for biology. My teacher is a complete draaaag and I can barely sit through the entire class anymore. not to mention I did absolutely horrible on the last test. But other than that I am doing pretty well! I am a little nervous about piano though because I didn't have my book for the first 2 months of class so I really fell behind and I haven't been able to catch up as much as I would like.

Other than school I'm doing pretty okay.. the days are dragging because I'm really looking forward to packing up mt shiz and going back home! But like I said, it will definitely be a little bit sad. I hope a certain couple "somebodies" have the balls to say goodbye to me before I leave, in person. I found out some new this weekend that were a tad shocking considering something that happened about a week before but i won't get into that because it's not even worth writing about.

Today is Easter btw!!! I went to church for the first time in God knows when and it wasn't that bad. It was much more fun then I had expected and the band/singers they had were great. Afterwards my roommate and i went with Eryka and April to the Pastor's house for lunch and it was AMAZING. I ate way too much and I'm still stuffed.. those oreos I ate a little while ago probably didn't help though. BTW I am going on a liquid fast this week. We'll see how that goes! I am testing my will power and trying to lose the few pounds I puton this semester (not happy about it!!)

Well I think i have gone on long enough, I have a french test to study for and a psychology test to take before midnight!!

I hope somebody has been reading these besides me!

Love coco <3 :)

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