My mom sent me food today in the mail!! oooo dear it's all so yummy :)
I'm listening to Avril Lavigne right now and all of her songs are so good, her older ones. Slipped Away, Fall to Pieces, Nobody's Fool, When Your Gone all of them are just ssooooo gooood i could cry during every single one. haha her voice just sounds so sad and perfect in each song I love her!
It's finally friday and spring break is in a week! Yayy! I get to go home woop woop. I was supposed to be going to Florida with bab but one of the dudes aka dumbass douche bag bailed and has to work, loser. So we can't go because we don't have enough people which sucks ass because I was so looking forward to the beach and I even bought a new bathing suit! But I'm still excited to go home and see everybody.
Bab and Corey are driving down here to pick me up and i can't waaiiitt. I'm wicked excited for the long trip back.. I plan to drive most of the way back and we might stop in Nashville :) I'm coming back on the 14th and I wish i got a flight for the next day because the Boston St Patrick's day parade is Sunday :( I'm so bummed but I have a review in french class for a test on monday so I really couldn't afford to wait another day to get back. I can go to the parade next year I suppose.
I hate how when you comment on someone's picture or status on facebook it has to notify you every time someone else comments, useless notifications.
I wonder if anyone has read any of these blogs.. haha i doubt it but I always post it on my twitter when i write a new one, incase anybody cares :)
I'm going to go get some food in the awesome Tiger Den, until next time!
<3Coco :}

Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Just when things went right doesn't mean they were always wrong.
Hellooo :)
It's monday night aaand I should be sleeping so I can wake up for class tomorrow but instead I'm up watching Intervention and talking to my sissy. Intervention is such a good show, the people on it are soo addicted to drugs and alcohol and they're just crazy. But they usually always go to rehab in the end when their families have the "intervention" and cry and tell them how much they love them, mad good.
So anyways, I'm sloowwly falling out of this groove kinda thing I've been in for school like doing all my work and stuff. I'm already sick of it. There's only like 2 1/2 months of classes left so I need to suck it up and stop being a biiitch.. but it sucks taking these dumbass classes. I think I'm going to Johnson & Wales next year!! Woop woop!! They have entertainment business and I'm stoked :) it's not for sure yet but there's a strong possibility.
Today was long and boring. I went to Zumba class with my roommate which is kinda fun, the teacher is crazy but she's funny. Other then that.. I bascially slept all day asss usual hah.. I lead such a boring life down here in memphrica.. hahah I didn't come up with that!
In the Rascal Flatts department I am goin caraaaazyyy!! I miss them sooo much :( they were in Nashville tongiht for a benefit show but there was no way I could go.. good seats were hard to get and super expensive and I refuse to take the bus there again. It was naht pleasant. But for RF I may consider it again. Plus I'm broke so unless I become a stripper or "escort" aka hewer I will be broke forevaahhhh. until I get my taxes back of course. :)
Alright now I'm just rambling.. which is the name of this blog but it's worthless rambling now so I shall stop :)
It's monday night aaand I should be sleeping so I can wake up for class tomorrow but instead I'm up watching Intervention and talking to my sissy. Intervention is such a good show, the people on it are soo addicted to drugs and alcohol and they're just crazy. But they usually always go to rehab in the end when their families have the "intervention" and cry and tell them how much they love them, mad good.
So anyways, I'm sloowwly falling out of this groove kinda thing I've been in for school like doing all my work and stuff. I'm already sick of it. There's only like 2 1/2 months of classes left so I need to suck it up and stop being a biiitch.. but it sucks taking these dumbass classes. I think I'm going to Johnson & Wales next year!! Woop woop!! They have entertainment business and I'm stoked :) it's not for sure yet but there's a strong possibility.
Today was long and boring. I went to Zumba class with my roommate which is kinda fun, the teacher is crazy but she's funny. Other then that.. I bascially slept all day asss usual hah.. I lead such a boring life down here in memphrica.. hahah I didn't come up with that!
In the Rascal Flatts department I am goin caraaaazyyy!! I miss them sooo much :( they were in Nashville tongiht for a benefit show but there was no way I could go.. good seats were hard to get and super expensive and I refuse to take the bus there again. It was naht pleasant. But for RF I may consider it again. Plus I'm broke so unless I become a stripper or "escort" aka hewer I will be broke forevaahhhh. until I get my taxes back of course. :)
Alright now I'm just rambling.. which is the name of this blog but it's worthless rambling now so I shall stop :)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It may be all I need..
In darkness she is aaallll i see come and rest your bones with me, driving slow on sunday morning and I never want to leave. Love that song :)
I'm putting off the rest of my math homework to write this, it's due in 2 hours and I have bunches to do. I'm so fuhreaking sick of doing work for classes I don't want to. I feel like college should be about taking classes you want to take, that you enjoy taking. I am paying for this shit. SO frustrating!
Besides math I'm not really minding any of my other classes. French and Bio are okay.. not too bad right now. But i did get a 59 on my bio test woooops.. i didn't study enough because i suck at school. It's a wonder why I'm even here in college haha. Not sure what I'm going to do next year because right now this shiz is naahhht working out. I need to find a place that encourages my major and the classes that are involved in it. Not this bull shit math, french and science. Isn't that what high school was for? Gahhd it's so annoying.
Anyways, enough school talk. There's not much else going on to talk about though. Woops, except that I'm going to Florida in 2 weeks for SPRING BREAK!!!!!!! With bab, acarse. Corey is coming as well and some other person hopefully! I can't wait to forget about school and memphis for a whole week and just relax on the beach and get my tan on :) I'm pumped. After that there will only be about a month and a half left of school!! Yay!!! I'm going to come back rejuvinated and ready to finish out the semester with a baannnggg! I hope.
Wellllll I really should get back to my math homework. I have to get this done before midnight!! And I have a test tomorrow eek, wish me luck!
I'm putting off the rest of my math homework to write this, it's due in 2 hours and I have bunches to do. I'm so fuhreaking sick of doing work for classes I don't want to. I feel like college should be about taking classes you want to take, that you enjoy taking. I am paying for this shit. SO frustrating!
Besides math I'm not really minding any of my other classes. French and Bio are okay.. not too bad right now. But i did get a 59 on my bio test woooops.. i didn't study enough because i suck at school. It's a wonder why I'm even here in college haha. Not sure what I'm going to do next year because right now this shiz is naahhht working out. I need to find a place that encourages my major and the classes that are involved in it. Not this bull shit math, french and science. Isn't that what high school was for? Gahhd it's so annoying.
Anyways, enough school talk. There's not much else going on to talk about though. Woops, except that I'm going to Florida in 2 weeks for SPRING BREAK!!!!!!! With bab, acarse. Corey is coming as well and some other person hopefully! I can't wait to forget about school and memphis for a whole week and just relax on the beach and get my tan on :) I'm pumped. After that there will only be about a month and a half left of school!! Yay!!! I'm going to come back rejuvinated and ready to finish out the semester with a baannnggg! I hope.
Wellllll I really should get back to my math homework. I have to get this done before midnight!! And I have a test tomorrow eek, wish me luck!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Sunday Morning
Good morning :)
I woke up to an empty room this morning, my roommate is in Nashville *tear* for a some promotions thing for a club. She's supposed to be back some time today, not sure when. Until then, I've got the room to myself :) me and the cooking channel aallll day WOOP WOOP! Haha.. not really. I have homework to do and the superbowl is on today! Sadly my Pats aren't in it so I could care less about watching it. But I will because I enjoy a good game of sunday football :)
I have a french quiz tomorrow that I'm not really looking forward too, hopefully I can pull at least a B out of it. I have a bio test on Thursday too.. I'm nervous about that one, I haven't studied at all yet so that's what i'll be doing most of this week.
Right now I'm looking at some state schools back home. I have been leaning towards private schools because they seem to have the better majors at least closer to what my major is, music/entertainment management. I miss home, and boston and my friends. It just hasn't gone the way I had hoped it would down here in Memphis. It's boring as hell and the people are either stuck up or just weird. I mean i;m weird too but.. in a different/awesome way :)
Not to mention every single dude I've met is out of their minds, like... needs help. I'm all set with the crazies and the ridiculous way tehy think. All guys are ridiculous but there's something sketchy about these Memphis fellers. Sketchy muthas.
Anywho.. I haven't been to the gym in like 5 days and I feel grrroooosssss.. maybe I'll walk my ass there a little later today.
It's time to get back to school searching!
Love Coco<3
I woke up to an empty room this morning, my roommate is in Nashville *tear* for a some promotions thing for a club. She's supposed to be back some time today, not sure when. Until then, I've got the room to myself :) me and the cooking channel aallll day WOOP WOOP! Haha.. not really. I have homework to do and the superbowl is on today! Sadly my Pats aren't in it so I could care less about watching it. But I will because I enjoy a good game of sunday football :)
I have a french quiz tomorrow that I'm not really looking forward too, hopefully I can pull at least a B out of it. I have a bio test on Thursday too.. I'm nervous about that one, I haven't studied at all yet so that's what i'll be doing most of this week.
Right now I'm looking at some state schools back home. I have been leaning towards private schools because they seem to have the better majors at least closer to what my major is, music/entertainment management. I miss home, and boston and my friends. It just hasn't gone the way I had hoped it would down here in Memphis. It's boring as hell and the people are either stuck up or just weird. I mean i;m weird too but.. in a different/awesome way :)
Not to mention every single dude I've met is out of their minds, like... needs help. I'm all set with the crazies and the ridiculous way tehy think. All guys are ridiculous but there's something sketchy about these Memphis fellers. Sketchy muthas.
Anywho.. I haven't been to the gym in like 5 days and I feel grrroooosssss.. maybe I'll walk my ass there a little later today.
It's time to get back to school searching!
Love Coco<3
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Back to School!
I've actually been back in Memphis for about a month now and I totally forgot about this blog!! But no more! I shall dedicate at least a few days a week to updating and venting. This past month has been kind of a blur.. the first couple of weeks back were rough. I was not excited to be here, I wanted to go home and i still do a little bit. I'm actually in the process of applying to a few schools back home in Boston. So far I have applied to Fisher, which bab says I'll hate (bab is my beesstt friend acarse) i'm planning on applying to lassel college and possibly Johnson & Wales in Rhode Island! It's definitely exciting looking for new colleges and applying, I just wish i had better grades last semester. I'm not very confident with my trascript from the U of m at the moment. Hopefully at the end of this semester I can say I'm proud of myself. I'm really trying to stay focused an get the best grades I can this semester. I haven't been able to give 100% because I don't have my books but as soon as I get them, there will be no more excuses!
Another thing that's been on my mind is duuuudes.. stupid stupid boys. I don't know who to trust anymore when it comes to the opposite sex. I'm beginning to think they're just all the same. You think you're just friends with a guy uuntil he tries to put on the moves and you reject him and he hates you forever. It's naht my fault all you want is sex and I'm not a slut? UGH it's just frustrating. But I'll explain all that some other day, this one is long enough!
Off to take a shower and hit the sack! :)
Another thing that's been on my mind is duuuudes.. stupid stupid boys. I don't know who to trust anymore when it comes to the opposite sex. I'm beginning to think they're just all the same. You think you're just friends with a guy uuntil he tries to put on the moves and you reject him and he hates you forever. It's naht my fault all you want is sex and I'm not a slut? UGH it's just frustrating. But I'll explain all that some other day, this one is long enough!
Off to take a shower and hit the sack! :)
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