Wednesday, September 28, 2011

oohh hi dere.

So I've noticed that my past few blogs are a lot of me complaining which I don't think is cool. I mean yeah, this is my blog and I DO WHAT I WANT buttt complaining is annoying so I shall stop. Not completely because what else can i really talk about if I'm not complaining? I'm quite the complainer if you haven't noticed ;)

Anywho, my apologies for not writing in a while, now isn't reallyyyy the time to write a whole huge thing cause I'm 2 glasses of wine and a glass of champagne deep, which to some of you is probably your pre game but for my lightweight self it's just a wee bit more :) I ain't ashameddddd

 mkayy I felt the need to give a little update because I've been neglecting this lately :( so dere she is.

more to come when I'm sober!


p.s congrats to a couple fabuloso musicians, Rascal Flatts got asked to be members of the Grand Ole Opry  tonight and it's about damn time :)


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