Tuesday, October 11, 2011

BIG changes.

what the fuck is good? Pardon my absence yet again, I been busy.

Shit has been going down, I moved! Maybe I said that in my last blog. I've been working my arse off and barely getting by in school. Which brings me to the reason I felt the urge the write here, I have A LOT on my mind. I won't get into all of it because god knows I could go on for days and that will just get annoying. SO today kind of suddenly (btw I hafta mention that Sarah Evans is on the Opry right now and is just doing terrible, I love her but my gahhd she's dropping the ball.)  but not so suddenly because it's been on my mind forever, and when I say forever I mean since I started college.
I've known exactly what I want to do since probably junior year of high school and my main dilemma was figuring out where to go to college to work in the music industry, I didn't really think it was a field that was taught or learned in college. Obviously it is but i sucked in high school because I couldn't have cared less about my grades and all that bullshit so I had to go to community college and straighten my ass out then went to Memphis then foolishly came back to Boston. So the point is that I'm over this school thing. I literally hate it.
I feel like if I had gone to the school I wanted to originally, straight out of high school (which was Belmont in Nashville) then I would be fine. I'd be 2 semester's away from getting my bachelors in music business and I'd be happy as a clam in lovely Nashville. Instead, I'm a hot mess struggling to keep my head above water in New England. Staying focused and motivated while being in a place I don't feel like I belong in is probably one of the hardest things I've had to force myself to do. Last year was fine, I wasn't happy but I was content for the time being. This year is different. I'm so unfocused and distracted and frustrated with school that I can't seem to get my head together and do my papers or study or anything and it SUCKS. I'm miserable with school and I'm not doing my best which is frustrating me even more. If I'm going to graduate from college I want to accept my degree knowing that I did my best and as of right now I don't see that happening.

SO I think I'm going to take 2 years off, move to Nashville and see how it goes. If after 2 years i fail miserably at trying to succeed I'll go back to school and get a degree. I'll be refreshed and be able to focus if nothing else works out, it will be all I'll have so I won't really have a choice.
I know this is some what rash, or may seem that way but it's not to me. I've wanted to live in music city FOREVER and I can't help but feel like I'm wasting time and potential being in Boston. The industry that I want to work in is not here, it's 1200 miles away in a beautiful place with beautiful people that I'm supposed to be a part of. That's where I need to be and it's about damn time that I go. So I'm aiming forrrrr early next year. No later than April :)

Glad I got that out! Gaaasshhh I'm relieved.. I told my mom earlier and she's always been supportive about me moving and doing what I want, now I just have to tell my Dad. I hate to let him down by leaving school.. but I can't be unhappy and I know I'll barely skim by if not fail if I stay in school right now.

=) finally making this decision makes me happy :)

also, the fact that Harry Potter is on right now doesn't hurt either.

buh bye <3

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