Sunday, January 9, 2011

Haaappy 2011!! :)

Class starts in a week and a half aaaand I'm kinda nervous. I did so ridiculously good this past semester that I want to keep it up this coming semester but I know how easy I stray and before I know it I've fallen behind and it's too late to catch up =/ I just don't want that to happen because it will royally fuck me over. I have soo much on my mind satchel with school and what I want to doooo I hafta meet with my adviser to talk about summer classes and how many I can take and how long they last. I'm definitely taking them regardless of how long they are because I need to get caught up with school aaaand I need to call memphis and force them to send my credits.. not sure how I'll make them do it without paying the $ I owe but I shall try =D
Then after summer classes HOPEFULLY the next fall semester will be my last and I'll get my associates and peace the fuck out forevaaaaa bye bye. Next fall seems so far away :( hopefully it will get here before iiii know it.

Next month will be fabulous, I'm sure of it. I have tres Flatts shows coming up and I CANT WAIT obv. Then March there's spring break and I'm going to nashville because I was SUPPOSED to be one my way there right this very minute butttt my mom's birthday got in the way soo instead I'm planning her surprise party shhhh don't say nething she's got noooo ideas it's going to be fabulous :) and since I'm not a millionaire yet I can only do one thing that costs lots of money instead of 2 or 3 or 6 but that will all change one day!

mkay I'm tired tired tired.

night (:


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