Sunday, January 16, 2011

oh hey.

Was goooooooooooooood.
Today sucked. Well not totally cause I FINALLY worked after like 5 days off for no reason even though I took them off but when I took them off I had a very good reason, Nashville. But like i said befoah those plans fell through.
I got in an epic fight with my sister, epic because I scream at a level I didn't know I was capable of. I'm naht going to get into deets but let's just say she's a selfish bitch and I've had juuuust about enough of being a sister to anybody. Setskies with my family, ready to move away forever and only visit on Christmas OR Thanksgiving, that's right, only one holiday.

One thing i need to address, judgmental people. FUCK YOU judgmental assholes. My family a bunch of judgmental assholes, actually. Enough about my family though, I just don't understand why people feel the need to judge. I mean everyone, including myself, judge people in one way or another but I'm talking about the people who judge people's lifestyles and the way they do things and why they do whatever they. Why do you care? Why do you think anyone else cares to hear your stupid, moronic opinions? Just shut uuuppppp and worry about your own life.
I think the reason people judge is because their own lives are just fucking boring and they're going nowhere so they make it their hobby to study and ridicule other people's lives. People who are doing something for themselves, who are making an effort to make a difference or go to college or lose weight or whatever the fuck they want. People do things because they want to and nobody should question that unless it's something like killing yourself orrr blowing someone to smitherenes.. depending on the person. Alllllss I'm sayin' is mind ya damn business mkay?

YOU DO YOU, cause I'ma do me!
thank u Kevin Hart :)

g'night <3

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