Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Real Christmas trees are better.

At my house in Boston we have a fake tree, at home in Bwater we got the real thing :D and idk why people get the fake oonneess it's so lame. Some people have allergies but whatever, suck it up it's once a year pussies.

This semester is almost over!! I have two more finals tomorrow and I'm fuhreee for a month :) yayayayyyy I'll probably be working every day but at least I won't have homework and all that bs too. I'll probably spend a lot of time in Bwater hanging out with gil aand I wanna go to NYC and Vermont. I'm def going to Vermont soon because it's so beautious in the winter, stacy and I are gonna go and have a romantic getaway. I wonder if they have red mango up there.

I have some serious news to share but not just yet, it's a secret so I cannot blurt it out now. Give it a month or so :) it's really exciting!!

mkay i need to finish my math homework and get ready for my dr.'s appointment.

bye bye

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