Thursday, December 30, 2010

Baby you're a fiiiirrreeewooorrkk (:

OBSESSED with that song :) I dun even like Katy Perry but that song rules and just makes me wanna dance, daaannccee.

SO I got my grades!! And I'm totally on the honor roll.. if there is one 2 A's and 3 B's!! Das wassuuuupppp I haven't had those kinds of grades since 4th grade, literally. It feels perty good considering how terribly I've done in the past, it just goes to show ya how people who do bad in some subjects in school can excel in others yayyyyy!

Christmas was funnn I got some lovely boots and gift cards to Starbucks and Target! and and and I found out today that I can use my Target gc in the Starbucks in the Target! yayyy more starbucks. It's weird that I drink coffee like water because I'm really sensitive to it. Last week I didn't drink any coffee for 2 days and then I had one and felt wicked weird and sick.. so as long as I just have one every day I'm fine. haha that's bad but I just love it :) I'll stop drinking it sometime soon.. just not yet.
New years eve is on Fridaaayyy!!! Yayyy my plans for long island fell through because I'm poor and don't have a car ( but I'm starting to save up to get one!!) So now I'm just going to woosta to see some lovely people and get hammahed!  Then go to work the next day, awesommmme. I've worked with a hangover before, no big deal.

OOOOOOOHHH my gash. I'm going to Nashville in 12 days!!! YES.

mkay time for bed, night :)(:


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Real Christmas trees are better.

At my house in Boston we have a fake tree, at home in Bwater we got the real thing :D and idk why people get the fake oonneess it's so lame. Some people have allergies but whatever, suck it up it's once a year pussies.

This semester is almost over!! I have two more finals tomorrow and I'm fuhreee for a month :) yayayayyyy I'll probably be working every day but at least I won't have homework and all that bs too. I'll probably spend a lot of time in Bwater hanging out with gil aand I wanna go to NYC and Vermont. I'm def going to Vermont soon because it's so beautious in the winter, stacy and I are gonna go and have a romantic getaway. I wonder if they have red mango up there.

I have some serious news to share but not just yet, it's a secret so I cannot blurt it out now. Give it a month or so :) it's really exciting!!

mkay i need to finish my math homework and get ready for my dr.'s appointment.

bye bye

Sunday, December 12, 2010


People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.

A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master..."
— Elizabeth Gilbert

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's theeee most wonderful time of the yeaarrrr

Jusssst 22 days until Christmas!! How exciting :) I haven't gotten any Christmas shopping done I have no motivation for it yet. My family is doing a grab this year because there's so many of us and I got my sister's boyfriend.. riigghhtt. So I have no idea what to get him or anyone else for that matter.
I wanna get my mom something good but once again I don't know what. I was thinking about getting her a ticket to the RF show in Manchester in February but the tickets don't go on sale until January so I think I might get her that for her birthday because she's been really wanting to go for a while but hasn't had the mula to get a ticket.

The semester is almost over!! Thank dee lord I'm so over this semester I just want to be done with it and get my grades :D I have a shit ton of math homework to do because as usual I've waited until the last minute to do it all, go me. But in my other classes I'm doing fabulously. I have a couple projects due on Friday and next week which I also haven't started haha oh well, I'll get them done.

I need another job, or H&M needs to give me more hours or I just need to be a waitress and deal with it because they make soooooo much money in one night, the same I make in a week and I ruhly ruhly need to start saving up for moving to Nashvilleee :) just a year and a half and I'll be in lovely lovely music city, YESSSS<3

mkay i gots to do my homework

ta ta :)