Saturday, November 20, 2010

"I don't mind if they see just what you mean to me"

Loves a beautifulllll thiingg hey let it catch on <3

I've had a few days to let RF's new CD sink in and I have to say that Unstoppable was better, in my opinion. I guess I just prefer their ballads to the uptempo songs and the new album is 80% up/mid tempo songs and it's disappointing. The songs are good but I feel like those songs don't showcase Gary's voice as well as the ballads do, he sounds amazing with whatever he sings but I like the slower songs better. I just don't have the overwhelming urge to listen to the songs non stop like I usually do with their new albums :(
I still like all the songs, there isn't one that I would prefer to listen to over another which is another thing that usually doesn't happen. I usually have a handful of favorites and still like the others but all these songs are pretty equal. "Red Camaro" is fun and 'Summer Young" is one that I can say is a fav. "Nothing Like This" is okay, everyone is obsessed with it but there's nothing special about it to me. Overall the new album is just OK to me.

So school is going fabulously, I'm doing really good :D I have A's & B's except for math and I'm definitely working on that to get it up to at least a C beecause I have to pass it to move onto the next math class. After the next math I take I'll be free from math foreveerrrrr.. probably not but hopefully. I love my classes and talking about music and contracts and performing it doesn't even feel like school which is why I think I'm doing fabulously, I'm actually interested in this stuff :)

Thanksgiving is next week!! I haven't had meat in 10 days and I'm planning on keeping this up after thanksgiving, I obv can't resist turkey on turkey day so that will be the exception and then I'm gonna focus on keeping meat out of my diet :)
Speaking of my diet, I started p90x again last week but I've only done it once since then, shaaame, I know. I literally have no time to do it and it's sooo annoying. Plus the living room is teensy. I try to run when I can't do the dvd's but i don't have much time for that either. Distractions, distractions. If i can't get my ass in gear soon I'll just make it my new years resolution to BRING IT :)

Kay I'm going for a run then gotta get ready for work.
Laterrrr xoxox

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