Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Helloooo there! (british accent)

By golly I've been speaking in a British accent all day long why stop now?!

Okay I'll stop.
Once again it's been too long since my last entry but I have just a small tic on my mind that's really getting to me so here goes. Sorry if I offend anyone though quite frankly I don't really care ;)

What is the deal with guys and blonde chicks? It's a hair color, honestly. I am not jealous, far from it, I just don't see what their fascination is. If a girl is sexy then she's sexy and that's it. She can have great hair and great eyes and whatever but why do they need to be so specific with the hair color?
Maybe I'd be saying this about brunettes if I were blonde but it's on my mind because of a conversation I just had so I feel the need to blurt it out to whoever reads my blog mkaayyy.

Anyways, enough about blondes.
I'm officially withdrawn from school. I can't really believe I did it. Relief and fear come to mind when I sit here and think about it. I really hope I didn't make a huge mistake. It's easy to get back into school though if I really feel like I can't survive and make a living without a damn degree. I actually know I didn't make a huge mistake but part of me feels like I'm supposed to be scared about this, truthfully I'm not nearly as scared as I think most people would be in my situation. I feel really hopeful and excited about what's coming in the next few months :)
Freedom, sweet freedom and happiness. I know I could fail miserably once I move to Nashville and end up with a crappy job that pays just enough to pay my rent and buy my coffees( because let's be honest coffee is the only other thing I'll absolutely NEED) but I'm going to be happy regardless because there's no place I want to be more right now then Nashville, TN =)
That may change in a couple years and I'll probably get the urge to move again but I think that when I am ready to settle down once and for all, after I get the "live in as many cities/states/countries as I can before I get too old and people think I've passed the "family stage" age and pity me" out of my system I'll end up in Nashville, without a doubt.

Tomorrow I need to find another job because wedding season is dying and I have WAY too much free time on my hands now, god knows what I'll end up doing if i just sit around thinking all day long, I'll lose my mind completely and you'll never hear from me again. Sounds like a terrible nightmare, I know.


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