Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I guess it's time I share that I have been doing p90x for about a month and a half :) not sure why I haven't mentioned it thus far but now I am! I can't say I'm following it to a T but I think I'm doing pretty well. I'm not doing the diet, more of my own kind of diet just staying away from the bad stuff! I have to say I am absolutely in love with it, and Tony Horton :) he is amazing, and cracks me up.
I tried p90x a few years ago when my mom and her bf first got it. I was out of shape just like the average teen i guess, not fat by any means just didn't work out much. And it kicked my ass, I couldn't do it and didn't have the motivation to even try and push myself. But being away in Memphis for a year I worked out almost every day and actually lost about 10 pounds in the gym. After winter break, the second semester I gained it all back UGH and then some. So when I got home I was disgusted with what I saw on the scale and in the mirror so I told my mom to get p90x from Michael so i could get my ass in gear! At first it was hard but not as hard as I remembered it being when i was totally out of shape.
I wish I had taken before pictures when I first started but I wasn't into the whole deal when I first started, I was just concerned with losing some weight and looking good at the beach! But now that I am seeing a difference in my arms, stomach, butt and legs I wish I had taken a couple before pics. I know I can see the difference but I would have liked to show others my progress as well. I still have about a month and a half to go (obv I haven't been counting days like your supposed to either) I'm estimating. Some days it's tougher to get the motivation to press play and some days I need off so I'll be able to move the next day. Talk about having sore muscles, but it's a good hurt and I love it!!

So there it is, my secret is out! :) I'll post my final results pictures when I'm done!


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Everything happens for a reason, right?

Sooooooooooo I'm pretty bummed about this weekend, I had a good time but I was supposed to have a better time at the Rascal Flatts show in Hartford that I couldn't get a ride to. ugh. It just seemed like I wasn't meant to go, at first i didn't have a ticket and then my friend gave me a free one so was set I was going to drive there in Shannon's car BUT I found out my license is suspended. How did I find out you ask, wweellllll I got pulled over with shannon and the cunt cop ran my license and I guess it's been suspended for over a year and I had NO idea. WOOHOO!!
But it's kind of like I was there because Gary was wearing the necklace I gave him :) like he has been doing for the past few shows! Amazing. Simply amazing.

On a different note, I really think this Baystate thing is going to work out. I'm not getting my hopes up just yet because that's what I did for Johnson and Wales and now look at me. So I'm just kind of waiting for the definite. I got my financial aid package and I shouldn't even have to owe anything! Which was basically the deciding factor in me going there, affordability. It's going to be amazing me and bab are going to tear Boston up, I hope it's ready.

H&M is pretty cool too. It's kind of scary at first because it is pretty fast paced and you need to stay on your toes but it's kinda fun at the same time. Everyone that works there is cool and really nice and helpful. So all is well right now! Well not all but most. I just need to get my license back and hopefully I won't have anymore bad luck, fingers crossed!!

btw Rascal Flatt's new albm comes out November 26 and Taylor Swift's comes out in October!! This fall/winter is going to be awesome. :)
