Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I could really use a wish right now.

It's Wednesday night and I'm sitting here with hair dye in my fro. Going darker for now, my original plan was to go blond for the Summer but my sister decided she was going to and her hairdresser friend did it and I'm SURE everyone would say I'm "such a little copy cat" if i did it. That's not really why I'm dying it darker I'm just feeling the dark hair and tanned skin at the moment. Plus the person I was supposed to dye my hair blond with decided I don't exist anymore so fuck her and fuck going blond. I'll do it next year.
Today was another torturously boring day, I wanted to rip my hair out on more than one occasion. Now it's 10:36 so the day is almost over and CMA fest is getting closer and closer :) Today I found out Taylor Swift is doing a 13 hour meet and greet! Hollaaa I can't wait to see herrrrr love that chick. Also today I made the most delicious potato wedges I've ever ever eeevverrr made, they were tender and delicious. I find in my boring days that cooking occupies my time and makes me feel accomplished when it comes out yumsky.
I also applied to a bank today and crossing my fingers that they will at least give me an interview, supposedly they offer "competitive wages." I'll honestly take anything I can get at this point.
Well it's time to wash out my hair now!!

ta ta :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I close my eyes oh God i think I'm falling out of the sky I close my eyes.

Heaven help me. Glee version of that song = amazing.

Sooo I went to New York yesterday morning bright and early at 3:30 am. to go to the beach with KJ and Stacy, some RF friends. It was good.. alright I suppose. Nashville is in one week, I'll be there with them and a couple other people. All I want out of this is to get a hug from Gary because I miss him so much. If anyone gets in my way of doing that I will murder. :) On the real though that's I want and to get absolutely obliterated at the bars of course. Forget about life for a week, sounds perfect to me.

I need a job. I really really REALLY need a fucking job. UUGGGHHH

This is the first time and the last time I'll ever write this anywhere because it's gay, but it's beyond necessary, fml.